Pediatric Dentistry
Kids need to see the dentist too! We recommend having your child start seeing the dentist at either 6 months old or after their first tooth erupts. At these young ages, visiting the dentist is just as much about getting them comfortable with the environment of a dental office as it is to check their oral health.
Lap Exams: Depending on the age of your child, they might not be able to sit alone for a dental exam. If that is the case, we do modified “lap exams” where the child is either sitting on a parent’s lap or straddling the parent and rests their head in the dentist’s lap.
Fluoride: Fluoride is a mineral naturally found in the soul and water that has been proven, in low quantities, to help prevent cavities. We are a variety of tasty fluoride flavors to paint into your children’s teeth if you so chose to help strengthen the outer layer of enamel.
Silver Diamine Fluoride: Also called SDF, silver diamine fluoride is a material that is painted onto teeth to pause cavities at the size they are. While SDF does not heal cavities, it does a great job in preventing them from increasing in size, especially on baby teeth if we are waiting for them to fall out naturally.
Nitrous: If there is any dental work needed and your child is anxious, we do offer nitrous or laughing gas. Laughing gas does not put your child to sleep, but helps them be in a more relaxed state to allow for the work to be completed.